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Upgrading MogileFS

(note: this only covers upgrades within the 2.x+ series. If you have a 1.x install, consult the mailing list).

Upgrading mogilefs requires a little thought but is mostly seamless. Most releases are very backwards compatible with others. However it is not recommended to run clusters of mogilefs trackers on different versions for an extended period of time. If you upgrade some but not others, plan on catching up the others within a few hours or days, and don’t leave a gap of many releases where possible.

mogdbsetup Notes

mogdbsetup is a utility that will either install or upgrade a mogilefs schema. It does not remove existing data, but regardless be sure you have good backups before running the tool. You should also be familiar with the CHANGES list for details on what any schema changes are and how long they might take to run.

Schema bumps are rare, and usually affect tables that have less than a few dozen rows in them. In the case of a large table needing modification, mogilefs tries to be more accommodating.

A tracker will only start on a schema version it is familiar with. If you run mogdbsetup and bump a schema revision, trackers running code prior to this release will refuse to restart, unless you provide ‘–no_schema_check’

You may also run mogdbsetup with ‘–no_schema_bump’ to have it run the upgrade but not bump the schema yet (you should never leave your cluster like this for long).

Upgrading a Tracker

Most upgrades are easy:

Upgrading Multiple Trackers

Ideally you have more than one tracker. Even more ideal is if you have a “staging” tracker, or can remove one from production rotation during an upgrade test.

For the Paranoid

For The Confident

If you’ve reviewed the requested schema change and believe it to be safe (or the release notes say it’s backwards compatible), follow the “Upgrading (A/Multiple) Tracker(s)” instructions above. Upgrade one tracker first, test, then upgrade the rest.

Tracker Upgrade Notes

As of 2.33, mogilefs doesn’t have a “graceful stop” feature. I really wish I’d remembered this before running shipit. Ugh.

This means that user uploads can fail if you stop the tracker. Since a user upload is:

client -> tracker (create_open)
client -> storage node (PUT's file)
client -> tracker (create_close)

… which can happen on separate trackers, in separate processes, at different times. The safest method of stopping mogilefs is to use a firewall like iptables to block new connections from reaching the tracker, waiting a few minutes, then stopping the tracker. Like so:

/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 7001 -m state --state NEW -j REJECT

Once you start your tracker you can resume traffic by repeating the same command with a DELETE request to iptables:

/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 7001 -m state --state NEW -j REJECT

… you can incorporate this into your init scripts if you’d like. Newer releases will hopefully have a !gracefulshutdown command, which will stop accepting new connections and wait a while for existing ones to die off.

Upgrading Mogstored

Mogstored is the storage component of mogilefs. You use it either for monitoring, for uploads, for reads, depending on how you wish to wire it up. You typically use it in some form. Mogstored isn’t edited as often as the tracker, but look for notes in the CHANGES file to see if it’s worth upgrading your mogstored nodes.

Upgrading is simple :

Notes for Upgrades Between Specific Revisions


Major rewrite of the monitor worker to run device checks in parallel. Could make a huge difference for people with many devices, or a mix of slow and fast devices. Other workers are updated to use HTTP connections more efficiently, or run some parts in parallel (fsck size checks, etc). See CHANGES for full details.

There are no DB schema changes in this release. It should be possible to test the new release on part of your cluster. For example, if you have 3 trackers that are on 2.68, you can upgrade one to 2.70 and run it for a few days to compare performance.

Do not mix 2.70 with versions older than 2.68, however.

Note: Upgrading may increase concurrent file/socket usage. You may need to adjust the number of available open files/sockets to the mogilefs process if your prior setup did not already do so.

You can increase file/socket limits by placing a file in /etc/security/limits.d/ with the following contents. The below is just an example and may or may not be appropriate for your environment/setup.

*	soft	nofile	99999
*	hard	nofile	99999

Then be sure to restart the tracker process after the change is in place.

Note 2: You might need fewer workers in the newer release (especially delete workers)


Many optimizations. Fix bug for device drain which could cause over-replication in some circumstances. Bugfixes. See CHANGES for full details.


nginx is now an available backend for mogstored. Several bugfixes, see CHANGES for details.


Mostly bugfixes. See CHANGES for full details.


Bugfixes and rewrite of Reaper worker to improve DB efficiency when marking a drive ‘dead’. Postgres uses faster locking as well. See full CHANGES file for details.


Small bugfixes and improvements to long standing issues (marking hosts as ‘down’ now counts its devices as ‘down’)

2.62 – 2.63

Small bugfix releases to correct Postgres issues with 2.61


Many small bugfixes and many new automated tests. See CHANGES file for full detail.


Upgrades to schema version 15. Checksum release adds a new table. Checksums are off by default. Enabling checksum will store one extra row of information per fid stored in the database. See Checksums for more information about this feature.


Fix for postgres databases introduced with 2.58


Fixes major issue with master-less read only mode not working in all scenarios. Reduces database UPDATE’s to the device table.


Minor patch over 2.56 to work better with the new MySQL slave code.


Many important fixes, removal of mogdeps, and MySQL slaving has been refactored. If a master database goes down, MogileFS may still serve requests from a slave. With multi-datacenter configurations, trackers will attemp to use “local” slaves.

Also fixes a critical hanging bug from 2.55

NOTE If you use MySQL slaves, ZoneLocal requires slaves are configured as IP addresses instead of with hostnames. This restriction may be lifted in the future.

NOTE You must upgrade MogileFS::Network to the latest version if you want local slave usage to work.

If you prefer to not sort slaves via ZoneLocal or cannot use IP addresses, set the server setting “slave_skip_filtering” to “on” via mogadm


Some important bugfixes see CHANGES for details. WARNING has a tracker bug where replciation/fsck will hang until all trackers have ben restarted. Skip and use 2.56 or greater.


Bunch of small fixes. See the CHANGES file for details.


important bugfix release. If you’re on 2.50+, you should upgrade. Otherwise modifying mogile hosts will fail.


Minor release. Upgrades to schema version 14, which is a trivial size change on the device table, allowing devices larger than 16TB to be supported.

Also fixes some potential slowdowns with the way file sizes are checked. See CHANGES file for full details.


Minor release for 2.50. Recommended if you are running 2.50.


No schema changes. Some postgres fixes. MogileFS::Utils 2.20 and higher recommended.

Major rewrite of internal host/device metadata caching. Should reduce latency, some DB load. Keep an eye out for bugs, but code has been heavily tested as always.


Some bugfixes. One fixing a critical bug only in 2.45. Another fixing more postgres functionality.


Skip this release, due to a bug in an adjustment of how database handles were validated.

Many bug-fixes, as well as changes to support the new command-line utilities.

If you were using the list_fids command to synchronize files outside of mogilefs, the usage has changed slightly. It now takes a starting fid and a count, instead of a from and to fid. The former would break as soon as a gap in fids were found.

A bug was fixed where create_open would allow you to upload a file to any device, disregarding the list of devids create_open actually returned. Now it’s strict about this, which may catch you if your client has bugs with picking a device id to upload to.

No schema changes, should be an easy upgrade.

2.41 - 2.44

All bugfix releases, no schema changes.


Significant feature update and a schema bump. You will have to use mogdbsetup to bump your schema version. The schema is backward compatible, so it may be done to an online system. Be wary that it ALTERs file_to_queue, which should normally be very small. If you have a lot of queued work, however, you may want to wait until file_to_queue is empty.

Drain/Rebalance have been rewritten to be far more reliable and flexible. May still be buggy in this release, so be careful.

See Rebalance for more information.


Bugfix release. See main changelog, probably worth upgrading to as it fixes an issue with HTTP DELETE (rebalance/drain/delete/etc).


Bugfix release. Just fixes a critical bug in 2.35, and other minor bugs.


NOTE: Relase has a critical bug with file creation. skip this release and use 2.36

Bugfix release. Old replication code has been completely removed. If you have old_repl_compat or no_unreachable_tracking options configured in your mogilefsd.conf, the tracker may complain on restart. These options haven’t been necessary for over a year.


Bugfix release. Trivial if coming from 2.33


Easy upgrade. Don’t run them mixed if you expect the fsck or replicate updates to work all the time (they won’t fail, but sometimes you’ll get old behavior). mogstored now no longer depends on Gearman.


If your ‘fid’ columns (in tempfile, file, file_on, fsck_log, etc) are not BIGINT or better, you should consider ALTER’ing them. Installs will now default to the larger size, to avoid surprising people with upload failures after 4 billion uploads. It always happens sooner than you think.


MogileFS 2.30 introduced new internal queue concepts, and adds new delete worker code. The schema bump is simple and can be done online. Running trackers < 2.30 with > 2.30 isn’t recommended for any long period of time.