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Deploying MogileFS manually for test

Want to play with the MogileFS API? Want to help write code, test patches, fix bugs? Follow the guide below to quickly build a test instance.

Assuming you have a Debian, Ubuntu, or Redhat-y system. OS X will be similar but has some missing steps. For a more complete guide on how to set up an install of MogileFS, refer to the InstallHowTo

No attempts to time this guide have actually been made; YMMV.


Add a new local user and log into it

adduser mogilefs
# ...etc...
su - mogilefs

Use App::cpanminus to quickly bootstrap locally installed perl modules. (note: you might need to add –no-certificate-check if you have a buggy version of wget)

wget -O- | perl - local::lib
PERL5LIB="/home/`whoami`/perl5/lib/perl5" perl -Mlocal::lib >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install libdbd-mysql-perl (debian) or DBD::mysql via yum. This is needed even if you’re not using MySQL.

apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl
... or ...
yum install perl(DBD::mysql)

Gas up cpanm again to pull in all dependencies for MogileFS. Read the output carefully in case of any build failures.

cpanm IO::AIO MogileFS::Server MogileFS::Client MogileFS::Utils

Save this script as Edit anything necessary. It is for starting and stopping a set of test mogstored’s. For convenience in testing replication, the HOSTS example below splits them into the space of two /24’s.

cat > <<END



if [ $1 = "start" ] ; then
    echo "Starting a few mogstored's"
    for host in $HOSTS ; do
        echo "starting host $host"
        $MOGSTORED -d --httplisten $host:7500 --mgmtlisten $host:7501 \
            --docroot ${BASEDIR}${host}
elif [ $1 = "stop" ] ; then
    echo "Stopping mogstored's"
    for host in $HOSTS ; do
        echo "shutdown" | nc $host 7501
$ chmod +x

Pre-make some directories and data

mkdir -p \

Install sysstat if you’d like (provides iowait stats)

apt-get install sysstat

Prepare a database, and install it via mogdbsetup. Tune the below if you know better. Run mogdbsetup --help for full options.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE mogilefs; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mogilefs.* TO \
'mogile'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mogilepass';
# I don't know postgres very well ;)
mogdbsetup --dbhost= --dbname=mogilefs --dbuser=mogile \
# Follow any dialogs.

Prepare a tracker configuration.

cat > mogtracker.conf <<END
db_dsn = DBI:mysql:mogilefs:host=
db_user = mogile
db_pass = mogilepass
listen =
query_jobs = 2
delete_jobs = 1
replicate_jobs = 1
reaper_jobs = 1
fsck_jobs = 1
rebalance_ignore_missing = 1

Fire up some mogstored’s.

./ start

Fire up a mogilefs tracker. Recommend for testing that you run it in the foreground, or in a screen session, so you can quickly and easily see errors.

mogilefsd --config=./mogtracker.conf

Create a client utility configuration file.

echo "trackers =
domain = toast" >> ~/.mogilefs.conf

Add the mogtracker hosts and devices

mogadm host add nearone --ip= --status=alive
mogadm host add neartwo --ip= --status=alive
mogadm host add farone --ip= --status=alive
mogadm host add fartwo --ip= --status=alive
mogadm device add nearone 1
mogadm device add nearone 2
mogadm device add neartwo 3
mogadm device add neartwo 4
mogadm device add farone 5
mogadm device add farone 6
mogadm device add fartwo 7
mogadm device add fartwo 8

Create a domain to test with

mogadm domain add toast

Wait a few seconds, then see if everything checks out

mogadm check

Try mogupload‘ing something

echo "Hello, world" | mogupload --key="/hellothere" --file="-"

mogfetch it back

mogfetch --key="/hellothere" --file="-"

Yay, congrats!